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Rose 'Golden Gate'   /   Rosa Golden Gate

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Everything about: Rose 'Golden Gate'

Rose 'Golden Gate'® Korgogalt - Rosa 'Golden Gate'® (latin)

Breeder: Kordes, 2006.

Blossom: Repeat flowering.
Flower diameter: 7 cm.
Fragrance: Light.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 3.50m.
Foliage: Deciduous.

Type of soil: Rich and free draining, avoid chalky soils.
Climate: Very hardy.
Site: Full sun.
Planting spacing: Approximately 2 m between each trained plant.

Properties and uses:
The Rose 'Golden Gate'® is a superb climbing Rose with strong ramifications, which makes it easy to grow as a shrub if preferred. Its double flowers are a luminous yellow and appear in scented clusters. Its foliage is healthy and resistant to diseases. Easy to grow, this Rose can be trained on a pergola, a trellis or even along a fence. It can also be grown in a flowering bed, on its own, in groups of 2 or 3, or mixed in with other varieties.

It has obtained the Seal Of Approval ADR in 2006 (which reward amongst other things the resistance to diseases)
Intense Fragrance reward in Paris in 2006


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