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Agave, Mountain   /   Agave montana

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Buy: Agave, Mountain


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Everything about: Agave, Mountain

Mountain Agave - Euphorbia amygdaloïdes Purpurea (latin)

Area of origin: Mexico, North America
Adult dimensions: Height up to 1m, width up to 1.2m
Foliage: Evergreen
Soil type: Rocky, light, limey
Hardiness: Hardy to -12°C
Exposure: Full sun

Properties and uses:
This Mountain Agave is hardy and cold resistant, it is a chance to be able to plant it in our gardens, at the condition of a light and well-drained soil. Otherwise, it is also possible to place it in a pot near a swimming pool, on terraces or balconies, or to decorate a main entrance.
In habitat, this slow-growing Agave originates from medium-altitude mountains in the North-East of Mexico. This plant is rare and can be associated with a Yucca rostrata or a Dasylirion longissimum, as long as they are placed in full sun in a light soil.

Sculptural Plants
Suculents plants
Plants for dry ground

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