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List of Aromatic Plants

Aztec Sweet Herb

Aztec Sweet Herb / Lippia dulcis

its leaves have a sweet minty flavour.

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Basil / Ocimum basilicum

Its flavour, typical of Mediterranean cooking will bring in sunshine to your dishes.

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Chive / Allium schoenoprasum

We eat its cylindrical leaves, finely cut to flavour salads, fish, meat or omelette and other cooked, egg-dishes.

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Coriander / Coriandrum sativum

A very aromatic flavor very appreciated in cooking.

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Curry plant

Curry plant / Helichrysum italicum serotinum

It has a silvery grey, hairy foliage which smells like curry. The leaves can be infused but remain indigestible.

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Dill / Dillum graveolens

often used in cooking for its aniseed flavour.

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Balm, Lemon

Balm, Lemon / Melissa officinalis

Exhales very pleasant lemony scent.

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Bay Laurel

Bay Laurel / Laurus nobilis

This is the only edible laurel.
Its dried leaves are used for flavouring sauces, vinegars and mustards.

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Butterfly Lavender

Butterfly Lavender / Lavandula stoechas var. pedonculata

Produces lovely blue violet flowers from April through to June, which are topped with two larger lighter petals that look like lots of little butterflies.
These can be used for fragrancing laundry and bath water.

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Chaste-tree / Vitex agnus castus

Crush its foliage and smell its peppery fragrance.

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Corsican mint

Corsican mint / Mentha requienii

A very distinct smell of pepper.

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Japanese Hardy Ginger

Japanese Hardy Ginger / Zingiber mioga

Having the fruity flavour of ginger without the spice.

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Knotted marjoram

Knotted marjoram / Mentha requienii

Its taste is more delicate than origan.

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Lavender, Bicolor 'Madrid Blue'

Lavender, Bicolor 'Madrid Blue' / Lavandula stoecha 'Madrid Blue'

Has a bi-coloured blossom, purplish-blue flowers with white top bracts. Its evergreen foliage is silvery.

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Lavender, French

Lavender, French / Lavandula dentata

Has a superb, rounded shape. Its finely dented foliage gives it a particular elegance.

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Lavender 'Grosso'

Lavender 'Grosso' / Lavandula intermedia 'Grosso'

More compact in form, it has ash green foliage.
These can be used for fragrancing laundry and bath water.

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Lavender 'Rosea'

Lavender 'Rosea' / Lavandula angustifolia 'Rosea'

Magnificent scented flowers in June and July.
These can be used for fragrancing laundry and bath water.

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Lavender White

Lavender White / Lavandula angustifolia Alba

It has a round, dense, compact shape.

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Lemongrass / Cymbopogon flexuosus

You can use the bulbous stems of between one to two centimetres to add an exquisite flavour to your dishes.

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Lemon thyme

Lemon thyme / Thymus citriodorus

Its leaves release a strong lemon smell when they are rubbed.
Lemon thyme is used to scent many cooked dishes.

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Oregano 'Aureum'

Oregano 'Aureum' / Origanum 'Aureum'

Very decorative golden leaves.

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Oregano 'Compactum'

Oregano 'Compactum' / Origanum 'Compactum'

Compact green foliage, very scented.

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Oyster plant, Oyster leaf

Oyster plant, Oyster leaf / Mertensia maritima

as the salty taste of the silver foliage reminds that of oysters.

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Parsley Common / Petroselinum crispum

l'une des herbes aromatiques les plus répandues. Le persil plat est plus parfumé que le persil frisé, qui lui a l'avantage d'être très décoratif, aussi bien au jardin que dans l'assiette

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Parsley Frizzy / Petroselinum crispum

l'une des herbes aromatiques les plus répandues. Le persil plat est plus parfumé que le persil frisé, qui lui a l'avantage d'être très décoratif, aussi bien au jardin que dans l'assiette

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Mountain Pepper

Pepper, Mountain / Tasmannia lanceolata

Their taste is both spicy and fruity, close to pepper and blackberry combined.

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Szechuan Pepper

Pepper, Szechuan / Zanthoxylum simulans

Their powerful flavour is both aromatic and spicy, with hints of lemon.

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Moroccan Mint

Moroccan Mint / Mentha spicata

A very fragrant mint, appreciated as an infusion and in dishes

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Peppermint / Mentha piperita

A taste of peppery leaves.

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Ricqlès Mint

Ricqlès Mint / Mentha 'Ricqlès'

A mint very concentrated in menthol. Appreciated in infusions and cold drinks.

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Rosemary / Rosmarinus officinalis

Its leaves are very scented, dark green on top and soft white underneath, used as condiment for cooking.

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Rosemary prostratus

Rosemary prostratus / Rosmarinus officinalis Prostratus

May be used as a herb to flavour cooked dishes.

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Common Sage

Common Sage / Salvia officinalis

A very aromatic flavor very appreciated in cooking

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Spear Mint

Spear Mint / Mentha Spicata

very aromatic, sweet flavor.

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Tarragon / Artemisia dracunculus

Its leaves can be used fresh, dried or in a powder form to flavour dishes, it is also good used in pickles.

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Thyme / Thymus vulgaris

Its grey green leaves have a strong smell.
Thyme is used as a condiment for cooking.

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True Lavender

True Lavender / Lavandula angustifolia

True Lavender produces superb little violet blue flowers in June and July that are very scented. These can be used for fragrancing laundry and bath water.

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Wild thyme

Wild thyme / Thymus serpyllum

Wild thyme infusions are used to disinfect the digestive tracts.
It is worth having in your herb garden close to the kitchen.

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Container 'Barbecue Aromatics'

Container 'Barbecue Aromatics'

Grow all your aromatics' herbs within easy reach and prepare tasty dishes worthy of a Michelin-starred chef!

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Pépinières PLANFOR
1950 Route de Cère
Tel : (020).7660.0178