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Daffodils, Yellow trumpet-shaped

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Buy: Daffodils, Yellow trumpet-shaped


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Everything about: Daffodils, Yellow trumpet-shaped

Daffodils, Yellow trumpet-shaped - Narcissus (latin)

Geographic origins: Mediterranean Basin.
Adult size: Up to 35 cm.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: All, humid.
Climate: Hardy.
Position: Partial shade to full sun.

Characteristics and uses:
Naturalise your flowering beds and borders with these yellow-flowering Daffodils which will brighten up your garden as soon as spring returns.

Daffodils will start to show off their lovely flowers from the first days of spring.
Plant them between September and December with the pointed end facing up. They should be 15cm deep and 10 to 15cm apart. Water them just after planting.
Daffodils can be planted in groups in the borders and rockeries, feed them a little fertilizer every year. Wait for their leaves to wither before removing them.
You could also grow your daffodils in pots or planters. Keep them cool until the first shoots appear, then you can take them inside and benefit from their lovely colour and delicate scent. If you cut a bunch of daffodils as the flowers are opening, make sure that you cut the stems at the base and keep a few leaves. Never put daffodils in the same vase as tulips as they are poisonous to them.

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